BSF Lesson 26:
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (John 19:18-30)
Aim: for our salvation is purchased by Jesus' suffering on the cross

1. Jesus bore our sins on the cross (John 19:18-22)
Principle 1: Our sins are placed on Jesus and nailed to the Cross

God's attribute: He is incomprehensible .... we can know Him via His Word and through the Holy Spirit
2. Jesus' sufferings on the cross (John 19:23-27)
Doctrine: Redemption
Purchased us by His blood
Purchased us from market place of sin .... free to live, love and serve Him and his people
Live as Christ possession
Not alive as we please
Live as Christ's priceless possession
Principle 2: Jesus suffered & died so that believers can stand before God without shame
3. Jesus' triumph on the cross (John 19:28-30)
Principle 3: Jesus triumphant death on the cross opens the way to God

Temple curtain torn apart
Miracle that cannot be done by man
To be indifferent to God's invitation .. .. Is the worst sin of all