Tuesday, November 3, 2015

BSF Grand Sharing (3rd Nov 2015)

After 30 weeks of study, today we came to the last session which was the Grand Sharing Night ....  Some of the learning shared by the men which I took away ....
- intimacy with God
- God word is life
- life is not smooth ... ups and downs ... take away is that God is with us on this journey
- Moses finished well ... He kept his eyes fixed on God and His purpose for Moses .... obedience to God. Perseverance in difficult time. Courage to act. Transformation of Moses life .... 
-  Moses the faithful servant .... until the end .... He ended well
- Moses the good shepherd. ... He asked for successor for the people (even after knowing he will die) ... his focus was his love for God and his love for the people
-  desert experience .... reading about it is different from living it ..... Pray that God gives strength to persevere and sustain us. Be humbled and stop complaining. Remember God’s goodness and blessings. God doesn't remember my failure.
- exodus 14 ... fickle pharaoh changed his mind .... Moses asked the people to stand firm ... God will fight for you. ... just be still!! Trust God to deliver.
- sin carries consequences 
- God choose Moses .... even at his last moment God was with Moses. God is faithful
- Christ cleanses our sins ... but also takes away our guilt 
- God is my giant that is more powerful than the giants in life.
- the bible God's Word is the pillar of fire & cloud ... that leads us today
- We have to read God's Word ... it is life
- God is faithful to his promises
- warning against murmurs & complaints .... disobedience
- God delivered Israel from slavery .... reflection of my walk as God delivers me from Sin .... what is the promise land on earth now ... We need to be contented and not complaining. 
- courageous leader ... not fearing for his life
- seek God when faced with trials and difficulties all the time
- God is serious about my sin ... We are to deal with it in His way.
- listening and meeting God face to face is not a chore but a privilege
- God chooses the leader and not man .... Koran incident ... Moses let God justified him
- it is easy to sing God’s word vs living it out ....
- it is easy to be distracted from God
- continue to depend on God 
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ... teach God's word to your children
- beware of your complaints
- life is short ... use your life productively . .. count your days
- Moses desire is to serve God until his end

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