Tuesday, February 27, 2018

BSF Romans - Intro Class

BSF Intro

27 Feb 2018

Romans - The World’s Most Influential Letter

Focus: Grounded in the Gospel; Transformed by Truth

A. God’s Word in Romans

Principle 1: All of the Bible is true for all people for all time.

B. God’s Gospel in Romans

Overview ... 4 main Sections

1. Romans 1:1-3:20 ... Our Righteousness & Great Need

2. Romans 3:21-8:39 ... God’s gracious gift of righteousness thru Jesus Christ 

3. Romans 9:1-11:36 ... Proof of God’s righteousness in his glorious plan

4. Romans 12:1-16:27 ... God’s Righteousness worked out in His people’s lives

Principle 2: applying all God’s truth in Romans into our lives transforms our identity & purpose

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