Wednesday, October 25, 2017

BSF Lesson 28 (25 Oct 2017)

BSF Lesson 28

Jesus’ Resurrection - John 20:1-31

Qn: What is life?

Aim: Belief in Jesus’ bodily Resurrection is the gateway to living life to the full.

1. John Believed (John 20:1-9)

Principle 1: God provides enough evidence to believe Jesus is resurrected

2. Mary Believed (John 20:10-18)

Principle 2: Belief in Jesus’ bodily resurrection leads to a new relationship 

3. The Disciples & Thomas Believed (John 20:19-31)

Principle 3: Honest doubts can lead to full faith

Monday, October 23, 2017

BSF Lesson 27 (17th Oct 2017)

Jesus’ Death & Burial (John 19:31-42)

Aim: Jesus’ Death and Burial fulfils God’s redemptive promise of salvation.

1. Jesus’ Death (John 19:31-37)

Principle 1: Jesus’ death on the cross perfectly fulfilled prophecies

2. Jesus’ Burial (John 19:38-42)

Principle 2: believers participate in Jesus’ burial by burying their old way of lives

Have you buried your old way of life? 

Pride, selfishness, self interest and self sufficiency ... only then can your new life in Christ be lived

First step to eternal life is to die ... die to old self ... no matter how costly to have spiritual gains. May we trust you and your plans for each of us ...

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

BSF Retreat - Pictures

BSF Lesson 26

BSF Lesson 26: 

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (John 19:18-30)

Aim: for our salvation is purchased by Jesus' suffering on the cross

1. Jesus bore our sins on the cross (John 19:18-22)

Principle 1: Our sins are placed on Jesus and nailed to the Cross

God's attribute: He is incomprehensible .... we can know Him via His Word and through the Holy Spirit

2. Jesus' sufferings on the cross (John 19:23-27)

Doctrine: Redemption

Purchased us by His blood

Purchased us from market place of sin .... free to live, love and serve Him and his people

Live as Christ possession

Not alive as we please

Live as Christ's priceless possession

Principle 2: Jesus suffered & died so that believers can stand before God without shame

3. Jesus' triumph on the cross (John 19:28-30)

Principle 3: Jesus triumphant death on the cross opens the way to God

Temple curtain torn apart 

Miracle that cannot be done by man

To be indifferent to God's invitation .. .. Is the worst sin of all

Sunday, October 8, 2017

BSF Retreat - Day 2 General Session 2

BSF - General session


Christ, the Solution to Identity

1. Identity in Christ (Col 2:6-15)

Principle 1: The spiritually fit find their identity in Christ alone.

It is not your title that makes you spiritually mature ... but it is driven by your relationship with Jesus

Your identity is from Jesus

2. Identity theft (Col2:16-23)

Principle 2: Hollow routines, rules and experiences produces shallow spirituality.

3. Identity guaranteed (Col3:1-4)

Principle 3: The spiritually mature set their affections in glory.

BSF Retreat - Day 2 General Session

BSF Day 2

30 Sep 2017

Christ Magnified Matures His People

Susie Rowan

Aim: Christ magnified matures his people

Strain for spiritual gain in others (Col 1:24-2:5)

Principle 1: Spirit-filled strain yields spiritual gain.

No strain ... No gain



B - build

R - reach

I - innovate ... our technology

D - develop ... SDGs

G - ground everything in doctrinal integrity and fidelity 

E - enhance the brand

BSF Retreat - Day 1 General Session

BSF Retreat 29 Sep 2017

What is Spiritual fitness?

Christ, the Person of Perfection

1. God the father, perfecter of maturity (Col 1:1-4)

Principle 1: God the Father answers our prayers for spiritual wisdom and strength

2. God the Son, the perfection of maturity (Col 1:15-23)

Source of spiritual maturity = Jesus Christ

Principle 2: Christ is the quintessence of spiritual fitness

Jesus - most perfect embodiment of ... our spiritual fitness

Theme song: O Great God be Glorified

BSF Retreat - Day 3 General Session

BSF Retreat - General Session

1 Oct 2017

Susie Rowan

Jesus is all you need for spiritual maturity

1. Spiritual maturity through repentance (Col3:1-17)

Principle 1: Spiritual maturity thrives when you love Jesus more than sin & self

2. Spiritual maturity at home and work (Col3:18-4:1)

Principle 2: Spiritual maturity grows in and through home and work.

3. Spiritual maturity in ministry Community (Col4:2-18)

Principle 3: Spiritual maturity flourishes in a ministry community

BSF Retreat Reflections - Day 3

Silent retreat - 2 Hrs with God

A conversation with God about Spiritual Fitness

1. Discovering Spiritual Maturity 

- be thankful & prayerful 

- be Christ-centered

Truth: The spiritually fit know Christ is all they need for spiritual maturity 

2. Magnifying God and Maturing His People

Truth: The spiritually fit labour to present everyone mature in Christ 

3. Assuring & Securing Identity

Truth: The spiritually fit find identity in Christ Jesus

4. Building Spiritual Muscle

BSF Lesson 24

Jesus' Arrest and the Jewish Trials (John 18:1-27)

Aim: Christ voluntarily suffered to fulfil God's plan

 1. Jesus' Arrested (John18:1-12)

Principle 1: Jesus is Lord over every situation

 2. Jesus Tried & Peter's Denied (John 18:13-27)

Principle 2: Jesus' love is greater than our weakness

BSF Lesson 25

From Pilate to the Cross (John 18:28-19:17)

Aim: God always achieves His purposes yet holds us responsible for our choices.

 1. Pilates faces truth (John18:28-38)

Principle 1: Jesus' testimony of truth demands a response 

2. Pilates rejects truth (John18:39-19:12)

Principle 2: Rejecting Jesus' testimony of truth leads to a downward spiral of sin 

3. Pilates crucifies truth (John19:13-17)

Principle 3: Evil cannot stop God's plan.

Proverbs 3:5-6