Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Revelation 8

The First 6 Angels & 6 Trumpets

1st angel / trumpet sounded - hail and fire; 1/3 earth, trees & grass burned up (Rev8:7)

2nd angel / trumpet sounded - mountain ablazed thrown into sea, 1/3 sea turn to blood, 1/3 sea creatures died, 1/3 ships destroyed (Rev8:8-9)

3rd angel / trumpet sounded - the star “Wormwood” fell from sky onto 1/3 rivers and springs, 1/3 of water turned bitter, many people died from the bitter water (Rev8:10-11)

4th angel / trumpet sounded - 1/3 sun was struck, 7/3 moon and 1/3 stars so that 1/3 turned dark.1/3 day without light and also 1/3 of the night (Rev8:12)

5th angel / trumpet sounded - Abyss opened, smoke rose up , sun / sky darkened, locusts came to earth. Trees, plants and grass unharmed. Tortured people who did not have seal of God on foreheads. Tortured for 5 months. People seek death but not find it, long to die.

6th angel / trumpet sounded – 4 angles bound at river Euphrates released, have been kept ready for this moment to kill 1/3 of mankind. Led large number of mounted troops, 1/3 killed by 3 plagues of fire, smoke and sulphur

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